Find a holistic professional in the Peoria area.


Find Holistic Services in the Peoria Area

Featured Holistic Professionals


Find chiropractors in the Peoria area.

Local Organic Farms

Find the best in organic foods, grown locally.

Energy Therapy & Reiki

Find new peace and wellbeing with Reiki and energy therapy.

Massage Therapy

Find the best in licensed massage therapy in Central Illinois.

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medical professionals are here to help you grow in wellbeing.

Counseling, Life Coaching & Psychology

Holistic life coaches and counselors can help you bring more peace and satisfaction to your life.


Find a Chiropractor

Find the best chiropractor for you who takes a holistic approach.

Find a Counselor or Life Coach

Find counselors and life coaches that will help you create the life you desire.

Why Holistic Peoria?

  • Makes it easier for you to have a healthy, natural lifestyle.
  • Connects buyers and sellers of natural, locally grown food.

  • Connects you with natural, healthy alternatives to traditional products and services.

  • Helps Peoria area residents healthy, holistic options.

  • Promotes our local holistic health professionals.

  • Provides resources for healthy, natural living in the Peoria area.